leersfool, as a jazz aficionado, it's only natural that I think jazz musicians are the best; I said "musicians", and not music, because that's too subjective. The best music is whatever the listener likes best.
However, there is another type of musician that deserves equal or higher status depending on how you rank musicians; and that is the "pit musician". I had the unusual, and unique opportunity of seeing one in action. They only appear at the best full production plays, as far as I know, and even then they're down in a sunken pit right in front of the stage; consequently the audience looks over and past them, they're out of sight.
My seat was up front and far left of the stage where I could look down into the pit. I saw these musicians seated in a row, side by side. Each musician had several instruments, of whatever type he played, in a rack; plus his sheet of music, in front of him. I was closest to "the reed man", he had every reed horn you can think of, including that strange one called a basoon in a rack in front of him.
Although it was a fantastic play (I had read the book), my attention was focused on "the reed man". His eyes never left the the sheet of music in front of him as he slid one horn out of the rack, and another in. While the music was spectacular, this was a dramatic play, and not a musical. The music flowed seamlessly with the action on stage, while the pit musicians were constantly changing instruments and sheets of music.
When what sounded like improvised jazz was called for, I watched the reed man blow like "Trane", and his eyes never left the music in front of him. If I closed my eyes, I would have sworn that I was hearing a jazz musician, maybe even "Trane"; but I could see the reed man blowing what was on the piece of paper in front of him. That told me that what sounds like "improvised jazz" can be written on a sheet of paper, I didn't know that.
Now that you and Frogman know what I saw, maybe you could further enlighten us.
Enjoy the music.