Rockport's or Magico's

I have heard that these two speaker lines employ some state of the art design concepts.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Magico M5 and Rockport Altair at Goodwins or anywhere else?

How similar are they and where do they differ?

Thanks AO
As an owner of Rockport Antares, I am anything but unbiased. I realize, too, that these are now old speakers that are no longer made. I just wanted to add that I bought the Antares in 2001 after extensive auditioning of many speakers; and that I auditioned them in my home before buying them as well. My point? After about 40 years of "upgrade-itis", owning countless high-end speakers and other equipment, I have finally been content for 8 years. I believe the Rockports are generally "music-lovers" speakers. I imagine I might take some criticism for saying that (or at least get an argument). I am simply saying that - FOR ME, for the first (extended) time in my life - I just sit back and listen to music now, not worrying about resolution, imaging, bass, highs, mid-range, etc. I will also add (as I believe someone else also said) that my Rockports are very "chameleon-like".

By the way, I have not heard the Magicos, the latest Rockports, or the RSAs.
If someone were to give me a pair of Magico M5s, I am SURE I can get them to make music. Perhaps with VAC amps and gold cabling throughout. There are quite a few options out there.
Thanks again to those of you who stayed on topic and provided answers to the specific question. I think I have a good idea on the differences now but I will need to listen on my own in the end.


Highjacking of threads and digressions to other topics happens a lot on audiogon. It is very unfortunate because people get emotional and in the end it becomes unpleasant for everyone.

While I think people would value your feedback,and since you felt so strongly, maybe it would have been more appropriate starting a new thread on "speakers better than rockport and magico"

Anyway, thanks for your feedback
Aoliviero, you're welcome. I had no intention really of bringing up the Sason speakers other than what you asked. I, in fact, answered the same way on another thread about speaker comparison and did not reveal my speakers. But Koegz guessed correctly and asked, so I replied. Sammy is a tool and just couldn't leave it alone. Goodwins in MA has the best acoustically treated room I have ever been in. It really shows off the equipment without the room acoustics getting in the way of the music. If you can, go have a visit. They are very professional and a top notch dealer.
Sammy you remind of a college professor who held himself above his colleagues and students but was the butt of everyone's jokes. You are full of self congradulatory remarks and snobby lecturing on how one should post an opinion the way you like it. Unlike you, I actually do take a side and give MY OPINION while explaining why I don't like one product over the other. But you swing both ways and never pick a side, just like most HE press reviews of products with significant ad contributions, fear of offending the manufacturer. I let this be my last post regarding you as long as you keep out of my posts.