Don't know what's wong with me

I went on this rampage, bought 300B ,845, amps to get more of the 45 magic. Should have been looking more efficient speakers! Shame on me. Nothing like a 45 SET. I knew better but still tried to better it. My James Burgess 45 amp still rules. After I got my Audio Nirvana speakers did I realize the ways of error. I also even learned that a preamp can still help. You can still learn something after all these years. Please forgive me 45 SET people for I've seen the errors of my ways.
From the whole community would say sorry for not providing enough information for you to figure out what components you should use before you've made these errors.
Also don't be offended by my sarcasm...

Repent therefore, and provide us more information in your next confession, informations sufficient such that we can recommend appropriate penance thereto.

Go in peace, and listen therefore unto Metallica and Black Sabbath at significant volumes on thine 45 amps with appropriate speakers..