Monitors to replace Dynaudio Confidence C1's

I have been on the sonic merry-go-round since trying to make peace in my home by moving from floor standers to monitors. More specifically, from Dynaudio Contour 2.8's to Confidence C1's. I have been a Dynaudio guy for a long time, so I tried a number of different equipment combos, but just can't wrap my sonic brain around the C1.....

This week I moved around the furniture a bit (ok, quite a bit) and set up the old 2.8's. Sweetness! Right there in my room with the same equipment that was hooked to the C1's. The C1's are more accurate...or tighter images anyway, but they just don't involve me in the tunes. They are just drier and less 3D.. tighter, but less rounded images on a very large, stable and quiet stage, they are great for analyzing, but not great for falling into the music.....

I need monitors to continue in my marital bliss, so, I did some due diligence and am looking at these monitors below to get back to some soul in the music with a little more warmth and better timbre, but continued great stage, extension and detail. Any insight (or other suggestions) would be very appreciated.

Lipinski 707
Totem Mani-2 Sig
Escalante Pinyon

Also-rans include: Monitor Platinum PL100, Merlin TSM MXE, but they look fast and dry-ish like the C1's.

Thanks out there and enjoy the tunes!
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am a bit surprised that you find the C1s dry. They are also quite dimensional if set up properly.
anyhow, what are the rest of your gears.
I find the C1s very good, though i dont own them.
Anyhow, try to take a look at the Harbeths like the C7es3 and the SHL5s. They are on the warm side of things, maybe not as precise as the C1s but they are definitely not dry.
Good luck. YMMV.
Thanks, I'lldefinitely take a look!

The C1's are absolutely dimensional and it is one of the things I love about them and Dynaudio in general. And, they are excellent monitor. They just don't engage me. I'll go listen to Harbeth, I had thought of them earlier, but I'll have to look at my notes....I think the 7's were a little large, but the 5's were a possibility. Thanks for your input.

I was sort of leaning towards the Totems at the moment......FWIW
I sort of want to clarify my take on the 'dimensionality' of the C1's. Their staging, which is both wide and deep, and ability to disappear is fantastic. The stability and placement of the images are spot on, but the individual images are less rounded and less lifelike or romantic (if you'll give me that one) than the 2.8's. It is not a bad thing, just not necessarily my thing.
Best Regard and, again, thanks for your input.
Maybe you can play with interconnects or speaker cables...I'd try Cardas Golden Cross, should smooth out the sharp images you're talking about.