Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison


I am looking for new speakers for my system.

After auditioning many famous brands I found the Magico V2 to be simply outstanding in my system. This is the best speaker I have tried in my own listening room. The second speaker I was comparably impressed were old Guarneri Hommages. Other speakers I have tried did not impressed me or simply played bad.

The room is 20’ long and 13’ width. The amplifier is 60W Jadis JA-80.

For my room I prefer monitor speakers than floorstanding. Doeas anybody compared directly side by side Magico V2 and Magico Mini II? I am especially interested in bass preformane. Is Mini II has less bass than V2 it will not suits my taste. The bass of the V2 is just enough for my room.

If somebody compared new Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento with Magico Mini II I will be also grateful for opinion.
Dave- there is no right and wrong. we get it, you like planars. other of us don't. but harping on people that they are wrong is really poor taste.

and the Magicos may be the best speaker i've ever heard--and that includes stats and planars. are they at a lofty price range? sure, but they do deliver the goods.

value is in the eye of the beholder.
"and the Magicos may be the best speaker i've ever heard--and that includes stats and planars. "

YEs, I believe they are indeed about as good as they come in most every regard save perhaps absolute low end extension and muscle.

Other monitor designs might come darn close but I do not know if any could flat out beat them.
I didn't wish to harp on anyone per se, but only to shake the percieved paradigm a bit as it relates to speakers in general. Emotion and passion are too often missing from our complacent exchanges. Choir practice can get boring, don't you think? I CAN appreciate Magico and even respect AW for his work...I just feel that the last thing we need is another high priced box! Where is the innovation? Great leaps in technology have occured only so often throughout the course of human existence. Magnepan was one of those leaps and should be appreciated as such. MBL comes to mind as well...anyone recall Plasmatronics?
"Where is the innovation?"

In the case of the Magico Mini, its in effectively taking a more conventional approach to the nth degree possible and charging accordingly, FBOFW.
Also, the Magico Mini is probably most popular in areas where living quarters are tight, like NYC.

It is innovative in the sense of delivering top notch sound to the nth degree out of a relatively compact and in-obtrusive package that can fit in tighter quarters easier perhaps than larger designs (including Maggies).

I can't say how the V2s compare to other designs in this regard.