Who OWNS Zu Audio Speakers- Especially Definition

I have recently tried a number of speakers, and I seem to have a problem with them all sounding too clinical, especially as the volume goes past 95-100db. This is key; I enjoy my stereo most when the volume is up. I currently own MA GS60's. They do loud very well, but are too lean for my tastes.
Various stores, various equipment, etc., so I can't say it was a controlled listening experience. Some were in my home.
I'm figuring the Zu Definitions would be different- I'd like to hear from some owners and those that have taken up on the 60 day trial period. What's good, what's bad?

BTW, some of the speakers I have listened to and found wanting:
Magnepan 3.6
Focal 1037Be
Reference 3a Grand Veena
Monitor Audio GS60
PSB Synchrony One (actually enjoyed these most- great dynamics, but felt something was lacking in the highs)
I think all you've shown is that the Rotel AVR is no better than the little Sonic Impact T-Amp that you have, which is quite frankly not at all surprising.

I think most of the two channel people here (that's almost everyone right?) will tell you that the vast majority of 2-channel systems will embarrass an equivalently priced home theatre set up when reproducing 2 channel music.

My previous statement was that DAC + amplifier combos (HT AVR qualifies) are generally not very good. A reasonable point of view may be that you've just demonstrated that.
Wilsynet: I am surprised! Maybe I was naive thinking that a $50 2-channel amp would be noticeably inferior to a $2000 amp.

I think if I asked the group: which will sound better:
1) Sonic Impact + headphone DAC = $150
2) Rotel DSP + Rotel amp = $3000

They would say (2). Again, maybe I am wrong. We're comparing a $150 d-class amp with separate DAC/preamp to a $3000 d-class amp with separate (more expensive) DAC/preamp.

I think you are right though that a using just 2 out of a 7 channel amp, even if they are discrete, is not optimal, although now I am very very curious to compare it to a 2 channel ICE design. I would love to understand why running 2 channels out of a 7 channel amp (discrete) is different from running a 2 channel amp. If they are discrete it should be the same, right?
I misunderstood, thought it was an AVR, not separates.

Having said that, it doesn't change my opinion by all that much. The Sonic Impact is a T-Amp, and I think the T-Amps punch way above their weight assuming you pair them with appropriately efficient speakers.

It may be an overly simplistic way to look at it, but take a 7 channel amp for $3K as you say, divide 3K by 7, and you're paying $428 per channel. Add to that the inevitable compromises you get from trying to jam all of those channels into a single box, and the simpler 2-channel amplifier starts to catch up. An over simplification for sure, but there's some merit to it.

To my ears, the AudioSector DAC for $425 (which I once owned) is more musical, more dynamic, and more natural than the twice as expensive Nuforce AVP 16 (which I also owned), which I am guessing in turn is the sonic equal of the heavily feature laden Rotel RSP-1069 (I have not heard or owned). Having said that, there are plenty of reasonably affordable outboard 2-channel DACs out there that should, in my judgement, better the Rotel without trying too hard.

As for amplifier, when I upgraded from my KingRex T-Amp to the Red Wine Audio 30.2 integrated, it was a revelatory experience. My Zu Druids thank for me for the superb pairing.

I don't know if it's in your budget, but if it was in your budget, I'd try a RWA 30.2 on 30 day in-home, risk free audition, and if you still don't think it makes a difference, then be thankful that you saved yourself a bunch of money. If you're looking for lower priced amplifier suggestions, send me a private message and I'll throw in some other recommendations.

Enough chatter from me, I'm sure you're tired of the back and forth. =)
Wilsynet: I appreciate your advice.

And yes, my system is separates, but only just. I was in the market for a 2 channel system before the Rotels fell into my lap as loaners.

I'm a little appalled at how bad some of the design decisions at Arcom have been--why so little with digital input? It seems they have not heard about this little thing called a hard disk.

I'll send you a PM. I'm pretty tough with my amp demos btw. You'll be amazed how much tight SPL matching erases differences.