Who OWNS Zu Audio Speakers- Especially Definition

I have recently tried a number of speakers, and I seem to have a problem with them all sounding too clinical, especially as the volume goes past 95-100db. This is key; I enjoy my stereo most when the volume is up. I currently own MA GS60's. They do loud very well, but are too lean for my tastes.
Various stores, various equipment, etc., so I can't say it was a controlled listening experience. Some were in my home.
I'm figuring the Zu Definitions would be different- I'd like to hear from some owners and those that have taken up on the 60 day trial period. What's good, what's bad?

BTW, some of the speakers I have listened to and found wanting:
Magnepan 3.6
Focal 1037Be
Reference 3a Grand Veena
Monitor Audio GS60
PSB Synchrony One (actually enjoyed these most- great dynamics, but felt something was lacking in the highs)
Wilsynet: I appreciate your advice.

And yes, my system is separates, but only just. I was in the market for a 2 channel system before the Rotels fell into my lap as loaners.

I'm a little appalled at how bad some of the design decisions at Arcom have been--why so little with digital input? It seems they have not heard about this little thing called a hard disk.

I'll send you a PM. I'm pretty tough with my amp demos btw. You'll be amazed how much tight SPL matching erases differences.
No, I have not received them. I placed the order on October 29th, so I would have expected them by now. As far as I know, they have not even shipped yet. I just sent an email to follow up on their progress.
I have Druid Mk4/08 and 2 x Mini Methods, they continuously astound me with the shear dynamic scale they can reproduce. I have Manley Mahis, 14w triode min feedback is enough to fool with "live" sound levels, Guitars bounce out enough to make you jump. I dont get an improvement when the Mahis are UL & max feedback =40w......its all too loud by then ;-) and the cops are on the way ;-))

I can only imagine the Def2.......

My Druids are 8ft apart and I listen around 7-14ft, nearfield sounds great but they require more toe in.
James: That sucks. You are a patient man.

Naggots: How do they sound when you increase the feedback? I get this big tonal suckout at low frequencies, and I think it's because there's a big impedance spike (or something) that more feedback in the amp could help with.
The 2 settings I like are triode with min feedback (3db) and UL with STD feedback (6db) both sound simliar but triode puts the soundstage in the middle of the room and UL puts it back against the wall behind the speakers. However UL has more bass control and more power which is preferred during parties. Triode is better for personal sessions. Max feedback 10db puts the sound way behind the back wall and narrows the soundstage too much for me. The music is thin and lifeless. My choice of music being blues based is a factor for these settings, electronic music may be better with more feedback.