Gallo Reference III midrange COOKED

They were purchased new from a dealer in 2007. I'm using an all PS Audio system (except for a Denon multi-player for a transport). I Was using a p300 power plant till about a month ago I purchased a Power Plant Premier here at Audiogon. Two weeks later the midrange drivers in both speakers are gone. They have since been to the factory for repair and returned. Repair wasn't covered by warranty. They said if the speaker was defective it would have already blown during the first three months.

My system:

Trio P200 pre amp

Digital Link III D/A converter (with Cullen Circuits level 3 mod)

GCA 250 Power amp

Power Plant Premier

The speakers are rated a 350 watts; but my PS Audio 250 watt amp cooked the midrange drivers in both speakers. Go figure...

Just wondering if anyone else out there may have had the same or similar problem?

I'm perplexed.

Didn't Gallo give any further info on why they did not warrant the repairs? has their warranty been reduced to only 3 months now?

it doesn't appear they were starved for power. How loud do you listen to them?
Could have just been a stray shot of DC.I mention it because a PS Delta 100 cooked a $4500 set of dual 5.25 mids on some $4500 horns.
2 years is a bit long for extending warranty but then again Anthony Gallo isn't the nicest or dependable guy in Hifi.I have have heard stories and gave up my Gallo Ref 2's as within a year or two of going out production if you blew your tweeters they had not stock to replace them.That's crappy back up and why I am loathe to by another Gallo product.
Good luck.Even though my PS was 20 years older than yours I would have the power amp checked if os epak with PS or independent tech about what happened.
Dump them. I really do not like to give drastic opinions, but ANY "high end" manufacturer who does not make you feel satisfied with how they support their products, should be put out of business regardless of how "good" their product is. It disgusts me really.