has lead shot surpassed cold

Frank Zappa,s Nanook the eskimo, had lead filled snow shoes. Looks like i,ll end up with lead filled speakers. has any one puchased lead shot lately. The local gun shop wants $625 for 50 kilos. That really is incredable
I used 'plummet' (for shotguns) to fill my Usher BE-20. About 40 Euro for 25 kgr. But the amount needed was unbelievable.They become 'real estate'.
I think if you use sand, it must playground sand that will not corrode your metal stands.
Sand and litter!

Yes, if you want sand buy playground sand by the bag from your local home improvement store. Beach sand may contain salt (ocean) to corrode and other live or dead organisms (yes, it may smell funny).

Another recommended option is kitty-litter. I've not used it but can say it is dense and heavy
since lead is competing for the top spot as a presious metal. Why not just buy Gold. At least when you ever sell the speakers you can put in your ad that they the speakers are the Gold standard.
You only live life once right???

Go ahead and buy a truck load of lead and use it every where you can. And when you are through using it for your speaker throw some on the floor around you speakers ( better soundstage) and sit back and have a pack of fags and enjoy the tunes.