Monitors For Near Field Low Volume Listening

I'm looking for some good monitors that are good for low level listening in a smaller room (about 12x12 with 6ft ceiling). I listen to mostly jazz and like speakers that give detailed but full sound. My gear is Mac C220 pre and AR100.2 amp. I've used single drivers (left over from classic tube days), Totem Rainmaker and recently bought some Vandersteen 2Ces just because I missed that "big sound". Well, the speakers are indead too big. So, it's back to some monitors or small column speakers. My budget is no more that $1500 new or used. Thanks
Look into the Omega Super 6 Anico Monitors. I had these for a while and was extremely impressed with what they can do. I have since moved up the Omega line to the Super 8 Alnico XRS floostanders.
There is a classified ad for a pair here on the Gon for less than $1000.00 now. Or call Louis at Omega and disscuss with him your needs.

Another small monitor to look at is the PMC DB1+. When I originally hooked mine up I was sitting approximately 9 ft from the speakers and thought they sounded very good. When I moved up and sat on the foot stool I was amazed how good they were. This was 3 or 4 ft closer. They go surprisingly deep for their size.
Used price about $550-600, new I believe is $2K.
The Harbeth P3ESR is very nice but above your budget. A friend of mine who owns the 40.1 got the P3ESR for his 4th system replacing his Totem Model 1. Very nice and musical small box that will excel in a nearfield setup in a small room. Maybe the older version would cut it but it's quite rare in the used market.

The suggestion of PMC is also a good one that gives a more neutral sound with slightly better bass response but of less organic qualities as with the Harbeth.
I heartily recommend these:

I've had my pair for five years now, replaced my B&W Silver Signature speakers with them. Excellent, excellent speakers!
