Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!
Yes i am using the new merlin Master BAM with the upgraded RC's.I used to have the SBAM and standard RC's.Here is a list of what i have found from listening to the new master bam and rc's.

1. A quieter background
2. A larger soundstage
3. Improved resolution and clarity from top to bottom
4. More dynamic sounding
5. Silky Smooth from top to bottom
6. Improved definition from top to bottom
7. More natural sounding without any bloat or thinness
8. Killer mids, open and silky highs and a very strong
bottom end

9.Summary: The new bam and rc's take the merlins to a new level that is hard to beat making the upgrade a must do in my book for those who want to take their merlins to the next level.

For those of us with intergrated's, are there any add-on buffer option's for us? Could you build one?
what exactly do you mean by an add on buffer option?
what is it intended to do?
yes he has a fila paul and the fila has a passive pre.
but the fila is one of the only passives that i have heard that sounds right. not thin and lean. if it is for this reason then he does not need a buffer stage and if he has multiple sources then we can add inputs to his sbam. so he can be taken care of either way. on the fila i use the cdp into the bam and the bam out to the cd input.
best, b