Small monitor- made in the states

I'm looking for a small speaker to go on a shelf- I expect to add a sub and drive it with something like the new Virtue Audio tripath or something similar.
I need a speaker less than 12" tall and something that will work not on a stand (for now) and would love something made by a person not in a large factory in Asia.
A small monitor that is honest to 40 Hz, extremely fast and revealing and has a very wide sweet spot is the High Emotion Audio P-7. It is under a foot tall and is easy to drive with both tubes and transistors- it has a very flat impedance curve. It needs to be about 1-1.5 feet away from the rear wall for best results. We've been using a variant called the S-7 (which is port loaded rather than passive radiator loaded) in our recording studio as a near-field monitor. So far it is far and away easily the best monitor I've heard.
Please do yourself a favor and try or at least research the Silverline minuet. Made in the USA, small, affordable, easy to drive and sound great.
Please do yourself a favor and try or at least research the Silverline minuet. Made in the USA, small, affordable, easy to drive and sound great.

Hmmm, I'd agree that Alan Yun makes wonderful monitors, but I don't think his stuff is made in the U.S. They may be assembled in CA, but I'm pretty sure his drivers are sourced elsewhere, and the cabinets are actually made elsewhere (read: overseas). I could be wrong, but you might want to check into that if that's your criteria for buying a monitor. Of course some aspect of any of the products recommended here may also be actually made overseas and assembled here as well. It'd be pretty difficult to buy any electronic gear tthat is purely U.S. made inside and out.