Measurements are hopefully facts and facts are always your friend.
There can be a strong case made to never buy anything that has not been thoroughly measured by an independent source prior. Specs are helpful for narrowing down choices but seldom tell the whole story. Then there is always just trial and error. Yuck. Takes forever and can be quite expensive. Deaelers might like it though cause you buy more stuff until you find teh right combo that is just meant to work and sound great together. When they do, there is usually a reason and teh measurements may be the only way to truly know why.
There can be a strong case made to never buy anything that has not been thoroughly measured by an independent source prior. Specs are helpful for narrowing down choices but seldom tell the whole story. Then there is always just trial and error. Yuck. Takes forever and can be quite expensive. Deaelers might like it though cause you buy more stuff until you find teh right combo that is just meant to work and sound great together. When they do, there is usually a reason and teh measurements may be the only way to truly know why.