Why does my tube amp

Why does my 60wpc Jolida 3502s tube amp drive my speakers much better than 110 lb ss amps? My speakers are Psb platinum T8s 88db and 4 ohms. Its opposite of what i expected,tons of bass,not bright at all just right. I guess shouldnt have been looking out the window during electronics class. Thanks Ted
Wolf, which Jolida model is that?

I'm not proud. I will take any plunge that I can afford if it seems to make sense. The more I can afford it, the better. :^)
The interface between the amp and speaker is what makes for a good combination. Its not always the case that transistors can drive any speaker made and do the job correctly.

It may simply be that your speaker is designed to work with tubes and to take advantage of their characteristics (for example even though it is a 4 ohm load there may be a substantial impedance peak in the bass that transistors can't drive).

There are some very good reasons that there are still tube amps being made all over the world half a century after they were declaired obsolete! IOW you don't have to know anything about electronics if you understand this simple fact. In the meantime enjoy the music...
502p amp...when I bought it I wanted something with at least 50 watts pc, and balanced (or at least XLR...this amp isn't truly balanced but I use XLRs because I like them) inputs as my preamp allowed for that. Very few tube power amps exist in this price range, so I bought it with "factory upgrades" and it still was around 1200 bucks or something (prices went up a bit in the last 3 years). It responds well to every tube roll I've tossed at it including the massive KT150s that are in it now, and its 65 watts per side seem to be more than enough for my purposes. A really snappy accurate sounding modern tube amp with that harmonically sweet tone I seem to need.
Thanks again as always Ralph, hopefully i will be asking you questions about your gear. Mapman it was Wolf's one of a kind posts that got me thinking about the Jolida. Thanks Wolf!