Rockport Mira VS Verity Parsifal Ovation

Right now I'm considering between these two gem as my new pair for this year. I can get them for about the same price range so only sounds that matters. My current pair is Avalon Eclipse powered by Spectral DMA 180 if this can be used as reference.

I'm kinda leaning to Parsifal but I've heard a lot of good things about Mira and I really like how it looks like.
Thank you for your informative reply. If my preferences focused on transparency and imaging, I should go for Rockport Mira, right? I heard Rienzi which has similar design principles where bass woofer placed on back instead of front or side and I found it performs poorer than my old Avalon Eclipse in terms of transparency and imaging.
Actually Windosx...imaging (and soundstaging) i actually think the Parsifals are a bit better than the Miras. On transparency, they are both very resolving. I think the mids are a bit cleaner in the Miras and the highs a bit cleaner in the Parsifals. So overall, the Parsifals will seem a bit more detailed than the Miras. I know it's tough to audition these sometimes but I would not buy either of them without having a chance to listen to them. Will you have a chance to listen to them at a dealer? What amplification will you be using with either speaker?
Ejlif thanks...I am a big fan of both speakers so I guess i went a little over board with my response. cheers.
Unfortunately, I can't witness neither of these myself due to circumstances in Thailand. Mira isn't promisingly good deal for dealer to make a sale (shipping overseas while margin is quite low this). Parsifal is no where near to in-home audition unless customers make up their minds to purchase any items in store.

For myself, I could hardly believe designing bass woofer on back can bring such resolving and clean sound with good imaging and transparency. I might be wrong though but I think Parsifal should have better staging and Mira should have better transparency. I'm huge fan of Avalon but I can't afford to focus on only classical without juice to rock now.

I wish I could buy both. It's not like I can't have both but I have one pair of ears and one rig to shine.