Rockport Mira VS Verity Parsifal Ovation

Right now I'm considering between these two gem as my new pair for this year. I can get them for about the same price range so only sounds that matters. My current pair is Avalon Eclipse powered by Spectral DMA 180 if this can be used as reference.

I'm kinda leaning to Parsifal but I've heard a lot of good things about Mira and I really like how it looks like.
Windowsx...I have heard both extensively at my dealer. They are cut from somewhat different sonic cloths. But they are both excellent speakers. At the end of the day, it will come down to preference, associated gear and the room you plan on using them in. My choice between the two is the Rockport Mira. It's midrange is beguiling. It's bass is textured and full, yet still punchy and articulate. It's treble is smooth and grain free but not super extended. I give the Parsifals higher marks in the treble region. Also, I would say the Rockports image well and throw a decent soundstage but they are bettered in these arenas by the Parsifal which are amazing in both these traits. Finally where the Rockports clinch it for me is the dynamic range of the speaker and its propulsive quality. It is a more exciting and rythmically engaging speaker for me (not that the Parsifals are boring...just a relative thing). As I said, it's what attributes that draw you into the music that will make you chose one speaker over the other. They are both gorgeous sounding speakers...they just emphasize slightly different things.

The final consideration is amplification. The Verity speakers generally tend to be fairly tube friendly. The Parsifals are rated at 89dB sensitivity and 8ohm nominal (4ohm min) impedance which are not too difficult to drive but probably within the Verity family of speakers present a bu\it more difficult load than its brethren. Compare it to the newly launched Leonore which is rated at 93 dB sensitivity and which presents a relatively stable 8ohm impedance across the frequency spectrum for example (another contender for you by the way to listen to). The Rockport Miras by comparison do like a fair amount of high quality power and are often mated with well endowed SS amps. They are rated at 88dB sensitivity and 4ohm nominal impedance. I am not sure if they dip below 4 ohms at some point but I suspect they do. So if you plan on using tubes with the Rockports, it will be expensive because you will need a fair amount of tube power put out through the amp's 4ohm tap. If you are a solid state guy, then that opens up a lot of possibilities for you with the Rockports.

Ultimately please make sure to go and listen to them with gear as similar to what you are likely to use them with before making your choice. They are both excellent but at the end of the day it will be a matter of personal preference which of these pulls you into the music more. Good luck and enjoy the auditions.
Thank you for your informative reply. If my preferences focused on transparency and imaging, I should go for Rockport Mira, right? I heard Rienzi which has similar design principles where bass woofer placed on back instead of front or side and I found it performs poorer than my old Avalon Eclipse in terms of transparency and imaging.
Actually Windosx...imaging (and soundstaging) i actually think the Parsifals are a bit better than the Miras. On transparency, they are both very resolving. I think the mids are a bit cleaner in the Miras and the highs a bit cleaner in the Parsifals. So overall, the Parsifals will seem a bit more detailed than the Miras. I know it's tough to audition these sometimes but I would not buy either of them without having a chance to listen to them. Will you have a chance to listen to them at a dealer? What amplification will you be using with either speaker?