Revel Salon 2 Owner - Bi-wire or jumpers?

I tried bi-wiring (Transparent Reference MM1) and the result is so so. Actually the single wire Transparent Reference MM1 is a bit better.

I tried Analysis Plus Big Oval Silver jumpers and the result is almost the same as the stock strap. By the way the stock strap is made by WBT. I am thinking Revel has done a good job optimizing the Salon2 with single wire configuration. What do you thnk?

If you use jumpers, what jumpers yield good results to you? Thanks.
You might want to try a non-networked biwired cable.
Start cheap, you might be surprised.
Yes, try the Bluejeans cable. Just make sure you get the right gauge for the length. Great cable on the cheap and perfect for the information you're trying to gather.
How are you liking the Salon 2s compared to the Thiel 7.2s so far? You have posted lots of questions about the upgrade. So how is it?