Decent moderate priced speaker for large room

Admittedly this is outside the scope of true high-end audio, but I am perplexed re: chosing a moderately priced, full-range speaker to utilize in a vacation rental house. The room is 40' x 25' w/two-story vaulted ceiling. I would like to use my PS Audio GSA-250 (250 w per ch). I know it's a tall order, but I am seeking the best combo of party level and lower listening level performance, at a price that I won't have to loose sleep over.
Take a look at craigs list for your area and see if there is any older Klipsch for sale. La Scalla or Bella. Local sale would be the best because of shipping cost. Good Luck!!

Also look for some older Snell speakers, or older JBL's.
I also own a vacation rental. It's impossible to underestimate the level of care (read damage) tenants provide (read inflict). I would get a used AVR or all in one, w some party-hardy speakers and lock the good stuff away for your own use. Maybe a used pair of NHT floorstanders. There are lots of replacement parts available and they actually sound pretty decent. The great room in my house is not nearly as big (L shaped, maybe 25 x 20 with a 10' notch cut out) as yours and I use an NAD 5.1 all-in-one (L-70, IIRC),4 NHT Superones, a Supercenter and an old NHT 10" sub. I am always pleasantly surprised when I get to listen after the tenants leave. That rig probably does not have enough oomph for your space, but if you scale it up appropriately, it should do just fine for parties, background music, HT use. I keep a small BR system locked away (93 dB Zhorns, Bering micro-Zotl, Sony S7000 and HD-650s) for when I need my audiophile fix.
Older mirage speakers can be quite dynamic and sound amazingly good for very little money the money.