I have tried rugs, curtains, furniture etc as "room treatments" but in general I did not find significant improvements. Professionally made acoustic treatments (ie, GIK, RealTraps, etc) are designed (with measurements done in certified acoustic labs) to cover appropriate frequencies and are very effective. In my experience, furnitures, books, rugs, etc are crap a shoot and are less than satisfactory unless you have glaring acoustic problems (eg, room with extensive glass windows) in which case some minor improvements can be heard. Yes, some professional stuff are very expensive, but there are some (eg, GIK) who sell reasonably priced treatments.
But let's get back to my original question regarding room treatments behind the speakers. I don't mind if you mention specific products as long as you are not selling them. Thanks.
But let's get back to my original question regarding room treatments behind the speakers. I don't mind if you mention specific products as long as you are not selling them. Thanks.