Suggest Speakers for Peachtree Nova

I'm in the market for a pair of monitors to use with the Peachtree Nova for a home office. I want to stay under $1K new or used.
My room is 12'x12' 10' ceilings and carpet. I listen to Jazz and classical. I need your suggestions!
i vote with br3098--for a 50w amp in a smallish room the von schweikerts or regas are a good choice, with the von schweikert being essentially full-range, while at $300 or so used the regas are especially good value. if you wanted to step up, the paradigm signatures s2 are really outstanding--some dealer is listing a new pair on agon for $1295 ($2400 srp. i haven't heard jaybo's castles--i should check 'em out, since jaybo's usually spot on.
not to be a bad influence but the Nova with Zu essence speakers seems to have set tongues wagging at some show or another last year. Saw it written up in stereophile, tone audio, and a couple other places. makes a mess of the budget but it catches my eye when a cheap-ish combo gets that kind of attention. Sell a kidney maybe?? $3500 direct from Zu. As for the above I can only speak on the ERA choices and of them I would do the D5 over the D4. Given that the other choices are pretty high rep items and may well beat the D5's.
I'll add some additional thumbs up for both Era D5 and for Ohm Micro Walsh.
as will I for the affordable Rega R1s. I'd be psyched to hear the Ohms on the Nova too.
I auditioned it with several speakers, and found that with the Rega R-3's it ran out of steam and clipped. We were looking for floor standers and ended up with the Audio Physic Yaras - a good match. Vandersteen 1c's were a good match too. I don't think it's a very strong amplifier though, so make sure your speakers are easy to drive.