Magnepan for a small room

I'm interested in putting some Magies in my small office. It's 10x10x9 and I will be driving it with a Peachtree Nova 80w int. amp. Is this a good speaker for such a small room, and will I need a sub for bass extension for 2 channel stereo, mostly Jazz and Acoustic Piano music?
Pastor, you room is pretty small - probably too small for dipoles to work effectively; at least without major and costly room treatments.

I have used a Peachtree Decco (previous product to the Nova, 50W per) w/ Von Schweikert VR-1s and it was a great match. The VR-1s do need to be out from the wall a bit to sound best.

Other speakers I could recommend are Linn Kans, Dynaudio Audience "W" series, NHT 1s - all designed to be placed right up against the rear wall. Also you might consider the ERA 4/5s, distibuted by the same company that sells the Nova, and Dali Ikons.

And for something completely different, how about an old pair of Klipsch KG-4s? They are available very inexpensively, are efficient, have great bass (compared to the smaller monitors I mentioned previously) and can be easily placed within 12" or so to the rear wall.
Br3098, do you think a floorstanding speaker would overpower the room? I don't want to over kill the room but I just want a natural bass sound.
I have such a set-up but it only works because the Maggies are 5 feet out in the room, yes that's right 5 feet out in a 10 foot room. They really don't work stuck in the corners.

Thanx, Russ
Pastor - Now that I know your budget, I have a different recommendation. If you can find a pair of Alon Petite 2-ways, they would be a great choice. I used a pair from 1998 to 2001 in a room your same approximate size. I did not feel I was lacking without a sub, but there is one available. In the past the Petites and the matching sub have typically sold for under $1000 on audiogon and eBay. The Petites were very highly regarded when Carl Marchisotta first introduced them. I recall one reviewer describing them as the best 2-way monitor for under $1000 per pair in 1998. I still have mine; use them almost daily in our home gym. Good luck!