Small Speakers for Small Room, Close to Back Wall?

Looking for a pair of speakers around the size of the Proac Tablette or similar that would do well very close up against the back wall as in a shelf type situation or, where width-of-sound-dispersion is less than stellar, mounting on some sort of adjustable device that would allow the speaker to be angled significantly downward (Height of placement will have to be 60" or higher from the floor at the bottom of the speaker.) Space between speakers will have to be slightly less than 4' unless I go to a shelf-bottom-height of 80" or greater from the floor (Working with 8' ceiling.). This is for a very crowded computer room, 9.5' x 12', where everything is fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and cannot be moved. Wide variety of listening tastes...lots of Rock/Pop, Jazz, and Blues and a dash of Classical. I don't need a lot of volume, just good musicality and I plan on powering these with something solid state in the 50 wpc range......the Blue Circle CS integrated has caught my eye of late. Sources will be a stock Music Hall MMF-5 turntable and an Apple iMac computer running through some as-yet-to-be-determined DAC in the sub $1000 range. I mentioned the Proac Tablettes because they're the right size. Someone else had suggested them in an earlier thread I'd started and I remembered auditioning a pair probably 25 years ago and being mightily impressed. A review I'd read of them from 1984 online this morning suggested placement of 3' from reflecting surfaces however. Anyone know if this is still the case with these speakers or if they'd be suitable to my application here? Any other suggestions?

You might check for recommendations on the Naim forum, as Naim users are attuned to speakers that work close to the wall. Two possibilities that I'm sure are mentioned there are the Naim N-Sat and Rega RS1, both of which can be wall-mounted. I use the Quad 11L on a console about 8 inches from the wall, and they work really well. Both the Rega and the Quad are a little larger, and significantly cheaper, than the Proac Tablette, though.
How about the Dynaudio Focus 110? They are close to the size you mentioned, and they include a foam plug to block the port, for use close to the rear wall. I personally own the slightly larger Dynaudio Focus 140, and I am quite pleased with them.

You might also consider the Dynaudio Excite X12. They were given a very favorable review in the March issue of Stereophile: "It sets a high standard of excellence in every meaningful sonic parameter." They are also close to the size you mentioned. I have not heard the Excite X12, but I personally owned the Dynaudio Audience 42 (the Excite line replaces the Audience line), another very diminutive speaker, and I was pleased with them as well. Good luck.
I have a less than perfect room and love my Von Schweikert VR1 monitors in the bookshelf. Great speakers!