Good speakers for a small room?

I have a 9x12 room and a Cary 805 for power. I also have a Tannoy subwoofer that can be upgraded if necessary. I listen to classical, mostly chamber music and opera, folk music and rock, though not as loud as I used to. Any ideas appreciated.
I have a very small room indeed and I run a pair of Triange Titus ES in it, with a tube integrated. Very good match to amp and room.

I have a listening room almost exactly the same size (not by my choice), 9.5 x 12.5. There have been many good suggestions above - I used a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1s at first. They worked very well, I just didn't have any bass below 50Hz or so.

A better option might be to treat the room so that you could use speakers with a fuller range. A little room treatment will make a huge difference in a room of your size and provide you with more speaker options.
Very good point from Br3098. My 8x9 room has a disused closet with some absorbent material in it, a couple of treated corners, large drapes in front of door and window walls, shallow bookshelves placed to diffuse sound on one wall and a wool rug opposite that. Not that I'm specifically recommending these as treatment, but the difference they make has been critical to listening in that room.