Good speakers for a small room?

I have a 9x12 room and a Cary 805 for power. I also have a Tannoy subwoofer that can be upgraded if necessary. I listen to classical, mostly chamber music and opera, folk music and rock, though not as loud as I used to. Any ideas appreciated.
Very good point from Br3098. My 8x9 room has a disused closet with some absorbent material in it, a couple of treated corners, large drapes in front of door and window walls, shallow bookshelves placed to diffuse sound on one wall and a wool rug opposite that. Not that I'm specifically recommending these as treatment, but the difference they make has been critical to listening in that room.
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Currently using Cremona Auditors. They need to reach a certain volume to "open up" but at this volume when female vocalists sing louder their voices get a little harsh. Will try Br3098's suggestion to try treating the room. As I look around, purely reflective surfaces.

Also, any experience with larger speakers in small room?