Maggie MMG

I heard these at someones office and couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've heard some decent speakers but for the price, holy cow! I swear the stage was as wide as the room and the musicians were right there. I'm considering a pair but here's the deal. I didn't listen for long and it was classical. While I do listen to a bit of classical and most all genres, I'm mostly a rock & roll guy. Do these do well with Rock? I have a decent DefTech sub I can pair them with. I like to crank it up at times as well.
So what do you guys think abuot this? Should I move on or might these do the trick?
Thanks for your input.
Well, I think they can be quite good for any genre of music but you need a high power amp and they will still never be the nth degree in terms of bass weight or punch. Other than that they are hard to beat at the price, but do not underestimate amp cost unless you have a very good one already. Adding a sub can generally remedy the bass dynamics issue if needed. They also can be problematic to place in a room optimally for best sound in that distance from the rear wall is often desirable.
You head the Maggies in someone's office?! Wow, I would like an office like that!

The MMG's are excellent for the price, within their limitations. They are capable of life-like imaging, but can be fussy about placement (they really need to be pulled out into the room more than average), require a high-powered amp, and really do need a sub (or a pair or subs, if you subscribe to that theory). The bass sounds weak relative to box speakers.

It largely depends on your room, associated equipment, and type of music as to whether the MMG's represent a screaming bargain or good speakers that just aren't a good fit for your situation. They excel at chamber music and some jazz, but for rock or dynamic orchestral music I prefer standard box speakers.

I tried the MMG's on Magnepan's free trial, and while I appreciated some things that they did well, I ended up sending them back because I listen to a wide array of music that I didn't feel didn't consistently play to the strengths of the MMG's.

IMHO, of course.

not a rock speaker. There more in line with small assembled classical,folk,jazz and such. I would look towards Klipsch speakers if your taste runs towards ROCK.