Rok, the very first time I heard "Ode To Billy Joe", I was crossing a bridge going into Hattiesburg, MS, in my brand new "deuce and a quarter", and I wrongly assumed it was the "Talahatchie Bridge" in Chickasaw county. That song also spoke of towns I had just passed through coming from St. Louis, consequently, I identified with it immediately; it was an instant hit with me.
I never stopped liking the song, and I have the CD. Bobby Gentry is one of the most authentic singer songwriters to come along. Her songs brought Mississippi to life, although they left out the ugliest aspects of that culture, which was most certainly best.
After I entered the state, I had the feeling I was in "The Twilight Zone", and had gone back in time without knowing it. Everything looked the same as it had in some long ago past; filling stations, farm houses, country stores, you name it.
Enjoy the music.