Thoughts on Usher S-520's...upgrade?

Hello all.

First let me say that I'm fairly new to the hi-fi world (about 5 years now) and have so far centered on "budget hi-fi".

I love monitors (and they fit in my office where I do most of my listening) so a few years ago I did my research and bought some Usher 520's (before the price hike) based off the glowing reviews (professional and user). I added an Outlaw LFM-1 Compact to fill out the low end (I'm not a huge bass head; the Outlaw's volume is halfway and the crossover is right at 60 where the Ushers start to drop off) and it integrates well I feel with the 520's.

Well I've loved this combo for years now (I am running it off of a Cambridge azur 640a v2 amp and DAC Magic with lossless files from my computer) and have left it alone since it is certainly "good enough", if not great sounding to me.

But...sooner or later upgradeitus hits us all right? Or, if not that, just curiosity at what other monitors might sound like and if I'd prefer them over my 520's, since, after all, these are the only "real" pair of speakers I've ever owned.

So my question is what the general consensus is of the Usher S 520's here, especially compared to more expensive speakers. Is it worth it to go up to $500 to $700 ish (new msrp anyway) monitors? Will it be enough of a step up in SQ to justify the cost (remember I got the 520's for $330 shipped)? Or do the Usher's lack in some criteria that I can't really hear since I've never compared them to other good monitors in their price range or higher? I will say that I love their neutrality and transparency, detail and accuracy (I don't like "warm" or "natural" sound), but it seems that they are a little lifeless or flat as well, maybe even a little recessed in the mids (voices can be a little distant it seems).

So, short version, is there something in the next tier of monitors that will have much of the Usher 520 SS (accuracy, transparency, revealing, detail, neutrality, tight/taut bass, etc.) while adding maybe some excitement or energy? Perhaps also go lower in the bass region so I can listen to them without a sub without them sounding as lean as the 520's do without my sub. I'd like an all-rounder since I listen to much of everything, although I mostly listen to rock (all decades and genres), synth pop, and singer/songwriter. I also would need speakers that sound good a lower volumes (I mostly listen at mid volumes) although can crank too (the 520's seem to do this).

Thanks for any input, so far I've got a list of about 20 monitors to look at, but that's fun to do and I take a long time looking and considering before I buy anything!
Ok, how about this:

Good monitors in the $500 to $1000 ish range (new msrp anyway) for my setup/tastes? :D

(SS preferences being, again: neutrality and transparency, detail and accuracy, articulation and revealing, tight/taut/lean bass instead of tubby/loose/overdone, realistic and uncolored mids, sparkling highs...slightly bright, forward, and energetic SS overall but not harsh, aggressive, shouty/in your face...i.e, I don't like "warm" or "natural", "mellow" or "laid back" sound.)

I get the sense browsing around here that unless you spend that much (or more) you are decidedly "low-fi" and not serious about audio and not too worthy of consideration.

I contest that, and think there are huge markups in audio just based off this assumption (if it's less than such and such it can't be good, so let's make sure to price our product at a "serious" price point...we'll make more money anyway...), and that, especially these days and with monitors, one can get great sound around $300ish that was unavailable just 10 or so years ago (better design, technology, and ID pricing). I also know about the whole problem of listening to the speakers more than the music; a "recovering audiophile" friend of mine has warned me off that and now "only" has a $2500 2 channel set up (he lives in a different state and I've never heard any of his gear). But I am willing to spend up to $1000ish on some good monitors since I have the money and it is worth it to me to try anyway.

Ok, wrote too much again! :P
I briefly owned a pair of the 520s, mine were the bright yellow. Loved the looks but did not really care for the sound. Knowing that, you might not have the same taste as I do so...
Have also owned Revel M20, Silverline SR11 and SR15, Quad 12L2 and 11L, PSB Platinum M2 (least favorite), Polk Audio LSi7, Soliloquy 5.0s and a few others. I kept the Soliloquys as they really do it for me and I got a super deal on them.
Beside the Soliloquys, the Polks are my recommendation. Good luck.
Part of the fun of upgrading is doing the research. You can start with online reviews at TAS and stereophile, etc. Or you could do a search for monitors in your price range here on audiogon and research the ones that seem interesting. If you buy used try to buy a pair with a decent resale value so you can sell them w/o loss or not much of one if you end up not liking them. I'm not sure answers here will do much more then your own research will.