Looking for a compact speaker w/ some low end kick

I just let go of some very nice floor standing speakers that my wife hated. They were too big! I do not want anything really nice or expensive because I have a 6 and 9 year old that will eventually tackle them. I would like them to sound nice. I was thinking of The Totem Mani-2 (used) or similar. Has anyone heard the Neat Momentum 3i's? Yhose look like a Mani-2. Any suggestions would be helpful. I will get an integrated to match up the speakers later.
Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII.

No compact speaker I've heard can kick like a good bigger speaker, but these come pretty close and go amazingly low for their size.
Totem would be hard to beat for what you are looking for, but you'll need plenty of watts.
I've been happy with the bass performance of my ERA D5's. I also liked the totem rainmakers but I thought the low end was a bit better on the D5. If you have the bucks the Dynaudio C1 is a pretty ripping unit for such a small package.

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If you like the Totems try some Dynaudios. Dynaudio only sells non current production drivers to OEM manufacturers unless contracted to specifically make something just for a special product. Like the Dyn upgrade package in (I think one of the VW SUV's). Try something like the new excite 12 or 16's or maybe the contour 1.4's. I do own the C1's but they are pricey even used.