6SN7 tube question


I need to replace the tubes in my Rogue 99 line preamp, which uses the 6SN7 tube. I was looking at an online seller who offers the following options with an affordably priced 6SN7 for a few dollars extra:

1. Balanced Triodes
2. High Gain
3. Low Noise and Microphonics
4. Matching

Options 3 and 4 seem most desirable for a preamp. My question is whether it is worth the extra few dollars (approx. $6 per tube) or is it just a pure marketing ploy to get suckers like me to drop more dough?
Cdrc, I agree with you only in the sense that there is no reason to expect that tubes purchased from two different reputable sources will exhibit different wear characteristics. As for "euphonics", tubes of one brand do indeed sound different from the same tube type built by a different company, albeit the differences are usually subtle. Thus, one man's "euphonic" is another man's "neutral", and the debate on that can go nowhere. But the reasons for differences in sonics among different 6SN7s are not hard to fathom, if you take a good look at the differences in internal structure and in materials used. Further, how the tubes are used in circuit will also contribute to the apparent sonic character that is attributed to the tube per se.
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"Why don't you call Rogue and purchase exactly what Mark O'Brien, the gentlemen who designed the piece would suggest instead of listening to all the patrons in the euphonic coloration."

Because no two people hear the same or have the same idea of what neutral is. Why do you think there are so many different brands and models? Should we all own the one true neutral system?

It looks like you've done a lot of tweaking to your system, why shouldn't the OP and the rest of us be allowed to do the same? I'm for people listening to whatever the hell they please without getting anyone's approval.
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Only 2 of the 4 6SN7 tubes have any sonic impact. I can't remember if they are the right 2 slots or left. You can save money buying 2 cheap and 2 vg tubes. I don't think any have to be matched.