A had exactly the same experience on narrowing my choice to Focals and Revels. Eventually I bought Focal Electras 1028 BE. Still I liked Revel Studio 2 more. The thing is that Revel needs much more power. My LFD integrated amp was 60 wpch. It just couldn't drive them well. No bass at all. I listened REvels with Mcintosh power amp which had 150 wpch and they were fabulous. I didn't plan at the moment to change my amp. So if you have powerful amp go for Revel. Second. My room is too small for Revels. They need space. And third - the price. I bought my less lustered Focals for 50% of the price of Revels. Focals are really good and I enjoy them very much.
Cdjl23 is right - Focals are slightly on the bright side so you will have to be very selective in choosing your amp etc. My suggestion - if money and room size is not an object and you have powerful amp - go for Revels. If not - Focals Electras are very good speakers too! Good luck!
Cdjl23 is right - Focals are slightly on the bright side so you will have to be very selective in choosing your amp etc. My suggestion - if money and room size is not an object and you have powerful amp - go for Revels. If not - Focals Electras are very good speakers too! Good luck!