looking for a new cd player........

I Currently have and love the rotel sound (975) I brought a nad 545bee then the nad 565bee for my wife's system, not bad. we currently have the cj pv 10 with the cj 2300a and alon II's speakers and I have the pv 12, 2500a, and alon IV's.... im looking for something with good tight bass control, sound stage, dynamics and detail. had a Cambridge cd player, but got rid of it,to mechanical...havnt really heard anything in a while. nothing to expensive. what ever you can suggest would be fine, thank you...
The Rotel 1072 is outstanding if you can find one. I replaced mine with an Arcam 33. That's another good choice.
Since a CD player is a transport/DAC combo, another option is to go the separate route.

Given the propensity for electronics to fail, particularly those with moving parts, going the separate route would allow you to invest minimally in a transport and more significantly in a DAC. I've owned CD and/or DVD players by Rotel, NAD, and Oppo. At least one unit of each of the brands has failed and required service.

I have spent countless hours reading the forums trying to understand how digital works...best. I still get confused but I have learned a few things. Whether you purchase a CD player or a DAC, the application of the digital conversion is important with respect to sound quality. IMO, the bits in the DAC are not as important as having a dual mono DAC. (The 975 and 565bee are both dual mono.) I'm also not a big fan of all the upsampling and upconverting that goes on; some is inevitable, but I think some manufacturers go too far. Others are big fans of it. Ultimately, it is the sound (not the bits and Hz) that matter though so this is often a matter of personal preference. The analog section is important too; while I've not heard the Oppo 105, Oppo addressed the audiophile community by incorporating a good analog section. And finally, jitter or noise. Some players/DACs don't do a good job at eliminating jitter. Some DACs incorporate reclockers, others work best in combination with an external reclocker.

I tend to agree with Schubert, improving your sound quality by addressing the source will likely require a $2-3K investment. The Rotel 1072 appears to be a CD player I would like; dual DACs, lower oversampling, low noise, and two have already recommended it. I'm just not sure how much of an improvement it will be over your 975.
If cost is a major factor search for a used North Star-Sapphire. Your comments have me believe you want to stay away from a soft-hazy/lazy type of CDP. The Sapphire has excellent deep tight bass control, fast dynamics and enough detail without giving up musicality. It's not the most open and airy player out there and the transport(tray)should operate a little smoother but these are minor flaws for a $1k or < CDP!
There are currently 2 Modwright players on A'Gon, the Sony 5400 and Oppo 105. Either one at $1795 (used) will sound better than anything short of megapriced players. I have the Modwright modified 5400 and it is awesome. I've also had the 9000 and 9100 Modwright Sony's.
thanks for all the latest info, I cant afford anything over $1000.....closer to $500 would be better, and I'm afraid of the used stuff. got burned way to often....just to give you an idea of how long its been for me. I liked the calf audio labs, meridian, and rotel...the digital wadia was the only separate I really liked....