Hey Ricred1,
Nice to hear from you. Super simple set up that took me all of 2 minutes tops for set up.
First, I picked up a couple reasonably priced decent digital cables to use with it.
(2) DH Labs D-75 Digital S/PDIF Cables that both are 1-Meter long. I paid $75 for both of them. Decent deal. Then
- I plug the wall wart into the wall.
- I placed the W4S between my cable box and Bricasti.
- I plug (1) DH Labs D-75 into my Cable Box RCA out to my W4S RCA in.
- I plug other (1) DH Labs D-75 from W4S RCA out to my Bricasti RCA in.
Then hit the little on button and that's on the side and it's good to go.
It also has tosi-link and BNC hook ups if needed.
This thing makes my TV sound amazing. I can't get over it. The other night I only used my TV as my source and listened music on the TV all night and loved it. Never would have even considered doing that before. Very happy with this little killer unit.
Just for the heck of it I ran a $5 tosi-link of the back of my PC that has a cheap little tosi-link out sound card its a best buy HP PC. I ran that cheap cable out of a cheap sound card into this W4S and into my Bricasti. It sounded excellent. Better I think or very close to when I used my $1000 plus USB cable to my Bricasti through the very well thought of and much more expensive Audiphilleo AP2 w/Pure Power Battery pack and although they are not side by side as I traded away my AP2 I swear that cheap tosi-link direct off my cheap pc sound card out was sounding better or very close to when I used the AP2 w/PP with my expensive USB cable and the solid Black Cat Silverstar75 BNC cable.
I guess it very well could be synergy with my Bricasti and the W4S Remedy that is making it sound so great or this is a flat out an over achieving / giant killer unit.
It just sounds so good I wasn't prepared for it.
Just trying help out my fellow members with a cheap mod/tweak I have stumbled across that has worked great for me.
I think maybe because it was designed to work well with more modest equipment it is now showing it can really shine with the better stuff as well. I guess it just goes to show in digital if it can reduce jitter it will sound better. The cleaner the power the better it sounds.
I think this little unit has already earned itself the right to a better aftermarket linear power supply. It takes 9V but will work with 12V per W4S.