08-18-15: Hgeifman
I am not going to run my DAC direct into my integrated amplifier. I have been told that most DAC’s do not supply as much drive as a properly designed preamplifier.
Don't want to stir up a debate, but whoever told you this about your Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC is way way off the mark!!
As I have said it will deliver from it's 2v SE or 4v XLR at a very low 71ohm source impedance, this is better drive than most preamps can deliver, especially tube ones.
And a volume control done in the digital domain of a dac is superior if it's used at 75% or higher of it's range, that why I suggested you use the 2v se output, as most amp will clip (reach full output) at 2v input.
Cheers George