Any comments on DAC directly to Power amp with no

Do you have any comments of running a DAC directly to power amplifier with no preamp? I can think of several advantages to not using a preamp but would really like your opinion, since, it seems, many of us are opting to go direct these days.

For example, let us assume the DAC goes straight into the power amp's XLR inputs; the DAC's volume control is digital, runs in 32 bits (or 24bits) and is very well implemented.

I have been told that some users do not like the idea of running a volume control well down in its range so use fixed attenuators but many have reported a loss of SQ in the process. Others have stated that they prefer the sound through a preamp stage. And, as expected, others state the sound quality is improved when the preamp is eliminated.

I hope to test these options, with and without the pre-amp, shortly and am interested in hearing about your experiences.

Any comments on this would be appreciated.
Hgeifman,even better with the Bricasti M1 DAC as it is even lower in output impedance than your Ayre at 40ohms output impedance!!.
It's all about "Ohm's and Kirchoffs laws"
Both are a perfect match with your Lux and will have better drive than most active preamps.

Cheers George
What preamp do you plan to use? My understanding is that the Bricasti M1 has a preamp section/output that's likely to be of high quality. You'll need to choose a high quality active preamp for this comparison.

As far as XLR (balanced) or SE (single ended) goes.
Unless you plan to run 10's of meters of interconnect from the dac to the amp, single ended connection should sound better, as usually there are less electronics in the signal path.
Unfortunately many amps these days just have an added balanced opamp at the front end for XLR connection after which they go back to single ended, going single ended bypasses this opamp.
And the final connection to the speakers in almost most amps is single ended, just + signal, and - which is at ground potential.

Cheers George

No preamp Charles1dad, just the normal Redbook 2v buffered output, at a nice low 40ohms output impedance. Even better again 29ohms as tested by Sterophile

Cheers George
Thanks George,
I'm interested in Hgeifman's listening impressions as I suspect that both methods can sound quite good but certainly different.
I happen to agree with you in regards to balanced compared to single end RCA. The simpler RCA usually sounds better to me despite the touted advantages of going balanced. Certainly fair to say YMMV. On the other hand I do hear advantages with balanced AC power compared to non balanced AC.