Linn Karik's CD drawer cannot be closed

I bought my beloved Linn Karik 19 years ago. It was a high end product back then and it still a transport.
Lately it has an intermittent issue with the drawer that cannot be closed.
I opened the CD case and put a tiny amount of lube on the (too dry) thread that controls the vertical movement of the photocell and indeed the door would open and close and the vertical movement which used to be noisy is now quieter.
A day later...the problem is back : The tray would not close.
Anybody had such an experience ?
Mine died with the opposite problem. The drawer would not open. In addition it admitted a nasty smell that something might go up in smoke. Linn has no factory support or parts. No more Linn product for me. I still have an operable Numerik.
Linn has abandoned the disc player market completely. Their philosophy is to give you a token credit for your old unit towards one of the new network players.

I don't believe Linn has any financial difficulties. I said, nothing lasts forever. I would start looking for my next CD player. Just my two cents.
Your Karik owes you nothing. It gave you 19 years. How many of us have cars, washing machines, or refrigerators that old?

I empathize, but the good news is it can be fun to buy new or gently used newer gear.