CYRUS CD t Transport

Greetings, I'm looking for anyone that might own and/or have had experience with the CYRUS CD t transport.
How good of a transport is it compared to others out there on the market?
Any suggestions for a good CD red book transport?
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Rx8man & Lac,
Thanks for the kind words, I have had this transport for about 6 years and like the way it sounds. The upgrades take it to a much higher level than a stock unit. I have compared it to a few computer set ups and each time it sounds way better. Most comp set ups sound "hard" as compared to the FF. It is richer in sound quality and has awesome instrument separation with deep and defined bass.

What is your budget ? The PS Audio PWT is superb and aren't difficult to find used. Congratulations on getting the Yamamoto DAC, it is special.
Thank you for your suggestion.
For the time being I'm just looking at possible options and if I make a purchase it would be in the future. I don't really have a budget and am trying to keep an open mind.
My fear is a transport might not sound better, or just a tad better than what I'm currently using as a transport (which is the Music Culture MC 501A and/or MBL 1531) both manufactured by MBL and neither of them are slouches.
I'm guessing you know how it is when you start thinking about "I wonder improvements"...LOL!