zu omen floorstander speakers

Hello all, I wish to buy the above speakers, but am looking for a intergreated amp, to use with them!!, I currently own a krell intergrated, but was told this is not a good match, but a pass class A at 30 watts, is a good match, but can't afford this, any thoughts??
2) There is an Audio Refinement integrated amp (pre-owned, of course) for sale on Audiogon. I have used this in two systems and liked it a lot. If you do not like the Krell/Zu combo, you might find the AudioRefinement/Zu combo to your liking.
I think that there is a distinct possibility that the person who told you your Krell is a bad match has no idea what they are talking about. Unless they have heard your Krell, with Zu speakers, in YOUR room, how could they possibly know? Ignore them and give it a try...I bet they sound great together.
Not to mention one huge point in favor of the Krell, you already own it! So give it a shot if it doesn't work out no harm done and move on to something else. Most of all have fun!
Everyone, for your input, yes I will purshase, the Zu, speakers first, as I heard them when in the states, last year, they have a Aust shop, I was very inpress, with them, as I like my music loud, if no one, is home, but I did notice, they were dynavic, at low levels, I will buy them, then get a suitable, amp, when fund's allow me!!,at the moment, I'm running, a Krell intergratet, amp with a JLTI, phono stage, which is fantasic, I have loadered with 100 hms, plugs!! The amps I'm looking are:
1. Melody 1-2A3, intergrated amp
2. Rogue Audio Sphinx, intergrated amp
I'm tossing, between the above too, both have phono stages, I have a JLTI, phono stage, attached to my Krell, can I by pass the phono stage, on both the anps, in pluging the phono stage, into to a line input, to take advantage, of my phono stage??, nothing comes close!!
Hoping you all can help