Now I feel bad, sorta; but to be extremely clear I really, absolutely don't care what other people like, or don't in this hobby. I always trust my own ears. I expect everyone else to do the same. I alerted this board to the WE16ga and Belden 8402, Day/Yazaki-san, Timbral Listening as food for thought. To me, Day/Yazaki-san "listening bias" is stated up-front what they like and seek. This information should be helpful to anyone considering a Review or design principle. It is interesting to note/compare/contrast the difference between typical Aphile listening (majority) and Timbral listening (minority). In the WE16ga/Belden 8402 we received a concrete example of wires that meet the standards of some reputable "timbral listeners." They are low-cost. That they play in the big leagues is a plus, plus, should be of some interest. Again, not to say your own listening tastes won't like something else better; as the hackneyed expression states, YMMV. OK. Now let us nit-pick to the death a wire costing around $80 with a verisimilitude to the big boys, say, vs $1,800 or more expensive wire. Carry on, but I think many miss the simple point.