Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?

Ok, I do love the sound of vinyl, but with my LOMC (Lyra Kleos), I hate the noise (low level hum, and hiss) levels I'm getting. I own a Hagerman Piccolo head amp that I haven't used in a couple of years, so I thought I'd hook it up, and see what happens. Well, still got the hum (at high levels), and the hiss. However, I do like what it's doing for the sonics! I've tried moving cables, moving the head amp, but I only get incremental improvements. Is this just the nature of the beast (LOMC's), or is there something I'm not doing that could improve these noise levels? Of course, another option is to go with something that has more output, like a HOMC, of a MM? Thoughts?
louisl do you apply mu metal? Do you wrap cables with it, or use it as a shield under, or around enclosures? Or, just how do you use it, how much do you need to work with?
Mu metal absorbs the magnetic field generated by transformers so wrapping the transformer is indicated.
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The problem is caused by the old Greek with their ''metalic

analogy'' regading human properties. Peter is strong like iron

and John is ''honest like gold''. But are there constant feelings?

Does anyone hate his whole life someting or love something his

whole life? Is it not possible to hate your wife one day and love

her the other day? Whay should this be different with vinyl?

I for example love the good  recordings and hate the bad one.

But those are of course not the same recordings despite the

fact that both are probably made form the  same vinyl.