Thanks so much for your ever-helpful posts. I have a Signal Cable power cord on loan from a friend but hadn't yet tried it on the DAC because my stereo cabinet only has a puny hole for running cables out the back and I'm not sure the beefier cord's plug will fit. But now I'll have to give it a try.
Wow, thanks for all that research. Since I'm bypassing the CDP's internal DAC, I think I'll try a better cord on the DAC first, but I'd never seen Roy Hall's comments on the stock power cord, so that's very useful.
Yes, my system page isn't up to date. I've sold my Ref 3A De Capo's and I'm on a hunt for speakers that may be better suited to my new SET amp.
I am currently breaking in a new pair of speakers. I'm not getting more specific on make and model because this is from a small manufacturer and I am sensitive to not putting negative comments on the Internet that may have more to do with my ears and system than the product itself. Also, they're not fully broken in yet and I'm still futzing around with the positioning.
I'd never heard this sibilance before and I'm trying to figure out if it's coming from the speakers or somewhere else in the system. Or maybe that's just how those tracks were recorded.
Also, FWIW, the Warnes FBR is the Cisco gold 24th Anniversary CD with the extra tracks. On Steve Hoffman's forums, some seem to love this version and some find the remastering a little harsh and sibilant! ;-)
Ironically, I don't particularly care for the music on either the Warnes or the Krall, but since they're audiophile warhorses I thought they should sound good. :-P