Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?

Hi, Folks,
I have made some changes to my system that I am overall very happy with, but I'm noticing some "sibilance" or harshness to certain voices and I'm wondering if I'm simply hearing some things I hadn't heard before because my system's more resolving, or if there's a synergy problem that has given me a tipped up "presence region." So I want to know if you hear these things too:

1) Jennifer Warnes on Famous Blue Raincoat, first track, "First We Take Manhattan:" I'm hearing an edge to her vocals... sounds like some sort of processing.

2) Morph The Cat: Title track; Donald's massed voices on the verses. How do those (highly processed) vocals sound to you? Breathy? Harsh?

3) Diana Krall, "Let's Face The Music and Dance" from "When I Look In Your Eyes." Very closely miked, but do you hear harshness in some sibilant consonants?

Trying to figure out if this is the recording or my system! Thanks in advance!
Rebbi, I notice the AN Kit one uses a 5U4G rectifier. I have 5 pieces in my system that use this tube, and I have done some fairly extensive tube rolling with this rectifier. Some 5U4GBs, especially, can give me excessive sibilance in my system. It may well be that your current speakers are more resolving than the deCapos, and now you are hearing the sibilance though it may not specifically be caused by that speaker. What rectifier are you using in your AN? It may be possible to mitigate the problem by a change in that tube.
On Diana Kralls "Let's Face The Music and Dance" This song should sound very intimate and Diana's voice is supple and rich and really big and full it exudes a drinkable velvety smoothness without any harsh edges of any kind. (On my vinyl rig playing new 180 gram pressing)
"I am currently breaking in a new pair of speakers. I'm not getting more specific on make and model because this is from a small manufacturer and I am sensitive to not putting negative comments on the Internet that may have more to do with my ears and system than the product itself. Also, they're not fully broken in yet and I'm still futzing around with the positioning."

I understand your desire to not post negative comments on the speaker. But setup issues are not negative comments. Everyone has occasional issues setting their equipment up, and every piece of audio equipment ever made is prone to having some issues. If anything, its helpful to do this, because if there is an issue, someone else will have the same problem. If you find a solution and share it, that info will probably help someone in the future.
I would try the Signal Cable power cord on the Music Hall cd25.2 CDP first, even if you are using it as a transport only.

What are you using for a digital cable from the Music Hall cd25.2 to the DAC? I assume it is at least 1.5 meters long.
If subtle and only occurs in 2-3 recordings out of many, its most likely some artifact of the recording, either natural in the voices recorded and/or artificial due to defects or dirt on the record or CD. Most commercial recordings are not perfect and unpleasant artifacts can sneak in on occasion for sure.

How do cymbals and violins sound?