CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?


Just wondering if the Black Treasure CV 181 or Sophia can hold a candle to my Sylvanias VT 231, Ken Rad VT 231 or my Sylvania W?

Would like to do more comparison since I'm using a solid-state amplifier now, previously used a tube integrated amp.

08-24-15: Doak
I suggest, even urge, you to invest in a pair of Black
Treasure CV 181. I've used them in amps, i my current
preamp and IMO they beat my stable of some of the "best
of the best" old stock 6SN7.
Yep, This mirrors my experience rolling BT CV181 in a MW Transporter years ago.

I have several friends rolling them in their VAC 450 and Phi200 mono amps.

Received my BT CV181s tonight and all I can say is WOW! They are on par and possibly better than my Ken Rads with only 1 hour of use...
And the really GOOD news it they are only going to get better and better. ;-)