Best Used Phono preamp around $2500

Guys looking to get back into analog- Looking to start with a phono preamp as I have a Tech. SL1200 MK2 with KAB upgrades for the moment to use- What is the best used preamp around $2500- I have a tube pre and amp- thanks
There is currently a Herron VTPH-2 for sale on this site; no affiliation. I have one and it is an excellent phono stage in your price range with great support from Keith.

Why go used when you could buy a Manley Labs Chinook, New! It is the little brother of the $8,000 World Class Stingray. It is all the Phono pre amp most would ever need. You can use any cartridge with it. They sell for around $2,000 to $2500 talk to Kevin @
I really liked the manley chinook with my technics...and you could save about a grand...a lot depends on the cart...the dynavector p75 sounds particularly good with dynavector carts....but to start to get real use out of that level might want to mount a rega arm or other better quality arm on there...unless you've already gone the kab rewire/damper route.

You need to stay away from darker sounding overcome the inherently darker sound of that table.

Just my experience and opinion.
Both the Herron VTPH-2 and Allnic H-1201 have been selling for under $2500 lately.
I'd lean toward the Allnic H-1201.
I really like mine, but I've never heard the Herron VTPH-2.