Pre-Amp for Class D Amp

My brother use a pair Bel Canto 1000M(500W@8 ohm) class D power amp to drive a pair B&W 802D speakers. He is happy with the 1000M. The pre-amp is a Bel Canto Pre3VB. He want to improve sound. Is there any suggestion a better pre-amp to match 1000M? Thanks.
I just picked up a pair of used Bel Canto REF1000m monos on Agon. Plugged them into my First Sound Presence Deluxe mk III pre amplifier with the most recent two 'S' upgrades performed by Mr. Emmanuel Go of First Sound here in Renton, WA. Both pieces (actually all 4 pieces given the pre amp has a separate power supply and there are two amps) sound remarkable. I've owned a number of amps and pre amps, solid state and tube, SET, push-pull, integrateds, by Cary, Electrocompaniet, DK Design, Parasound, Jungson, Precision Fidelity, EICO, Doge, and my current combo bests them all, to my ears. First experience with class D amps and I must say they don't take a back seat to anything I've owned or listened to.
Sorry Charles1.
You are correct. My wording was incorrect. The lower the number, the higher the sensitivity.
Sorry for the incorrect wording.
I have a Bel Canto ref500 that I've paired well with a Cary SLP 308 and, most recently, a Primaluna Dialogue Premium.

I'm running Tidal and Spotify from Sonos and Amazon Fire TV and it sounds really, really nice.

I wasn't crazy about the sound of Sonos before the tube pre's...(but that's probably a different issue).
Mjmch2003...I also use a Primaluna Dialogue Premium preamp pushing my Merril Audio Veritas Class D mono blocks and the over all sound quality is nothing short of sublime. This tandem just plain rocks. The Merrill's with the Primaluna Premium is a match that gets high marks in my audio world. Both are highly recommended...