Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Pegasus: I emplore you... don't let your emotions get away with you.

Until I hear Frogman respond to his past, I'd hold off, as to his future praise!
Ct0517: Regarding Timeter pumps.....with all due respect to Ct0517, the over-riding issue with Timeter has been that they "farm" out their products to sub-contractors, IE: wholesalers. This, in of itself is a major issue. So, in order to get a part or to try and talk with a human,... this takes a whole lot of patience and time. Additionally, you'll have to deal with the (sub-contractors, wholesalers)... (a Major Pain In The Ass) x 10!

(My personal experience had me making a claim on my credit card against the sub-contractor/wholesaler).

I can only hope that Frogman sees this (bit of information) as a positive (change)!
Slaw, sometimes the best course of action is to look the other way and ignore silly provocations. In spite of that, and as I have said before, I continue to feel that you may have some interesting input for this thread given the passion for music and this hobby that you have demonstrated at times. It is for that reason, and in the hope of keeping things on a more positive track, that I will address your concern.

Ever since my post of 8-03-15, and one which seems to have caused you some consternation, we have discussed or touched upon the subjects of diction, bullfrogs, herrons, wives, beer (and the provenance of one), the cost of trout, and even the fact that it is drummers who get the best chicks. Oh, yeah, almost forgot, we also discussed silly things like musicians' timing, musicianship in general and received invaluable set-up tips and a great deal of very interesting data for and about the world's greatest tonearm; AND welcomed two new participants to the thread. Is it any wonder that this continues to be one of the most interesting threads here? So, given this veritable cornucopia of interesting topics, why you choose to stay on the dark side is a bit of a mystery to me. I won't take your obvious confusion about our "private" "conflict" (your words, not mine) personally; but, while I prefer to keep these things private, you have made them public so I need to set the record straight.

From my Audiogon inbox, correspondence from you to me in reference to the "material" you sent me:

February 15, 2014 1:17pm


Just keep it. I need to not be stressed out.


I am sure that you simply forgot about this part of our correspondence and if you would like further discussion about my impressions of the sonic effects of using the 6"x10" (or so) piece of plastic material that you sent me let's please do it privately. I think this thread is better served by sticking to discussions about matters related to the great ET2 or fun and friendly banter.

BTW, Chris, whoever said it was drummers who get the best chicks? I always thought the saxophone was the best chick magnet. Just ask my wife :-)