New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE

Wow!!..Looks like John hit another home run at Bel Canto with the just released REF 600M using NCORE amplifiers. 300 watts into 8ohms. $4500.00 a pair. The REF 1000M is out of production. I have a feeling this is Bel Canto's best amp ever below the Bel Canto Black. Look forward to Guido checking it out.
With only two days of break in, I can tell these amps are something special. They are very rich, detailed and musical. The treble is fabulous. May be best of show at RMAF.
Great to hear. Thanks for the feedback. Could you comment on their performance relative to the REF 500m?

Mark - Would you please share what speakers you're using and what other amps you've compared them to. TIA!
Knowing bel canto I would expect their latest generation of technology to set a very high bar.

I run ref1000m mono blocks in one system and c5i in another and both are already pretty top notch to my ears.