Songs that trigger you to switch the station or...

It's sucks now in North Carolina. July, August and almost all September in high 90's and now we're down to low 50's with non-stop rain for couple of week straight-up.

GnR song "November Rain" immediately triggered my hand to shut that damn radio down!

Outside of weather nomination I'd do same if I hear "Stairway To Heaven", "Born In The USA",
No problem, Ct0517. I certainly recognize that musical tastes, and the memories that often accompany particular recordings, will differ widely. Enjoy!

Best regards,
-- Al
How can anyone not like Kokomo? πŸ˜‰

I'm with al on hey Jude. 😴

Most Bruce Springsteen makes me want to change the channel except for
a few tracks. πŸ‘

If I see or hear anymore Taylor Swift i will scream. 😳

I've acclimated to nickel back of late. 😁

Please make niki Minaj just go away. πŸ™ˆ
Question: How can you go to a concert for 45 cents?

Answer: Go to a 50 Cent concert featuring as a side artist Nickelback.

Yeah, I know ... too much time on my hands ... but I saw it on the comedy channel and thought I'd share.
I keep changing the stations until I find NPR. If there isn't one in the area, it gets turned off.