Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Most chillingly sad...I mean make-you-wanna-die music: Djivan Gasparyan's "A Cool Wind is Blowing." (Armenian duduk player)

Most beautiful Soprano solo that got me through Army AIT School: June Anderson singing "Stetit Puella" on Carmina Burana, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Michael Levine.

Music that gets me totally "amped" and thankfully makes me act childish: The Cure's "Hot! Hot! Hot!" off the Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me album.
"When God Made Me" from Neil Young's "Prairie Wind." Especially poignant when played through my previously owned Spendor S8e's with Musical Fidelity KW500 integrated amp.
"Ice" incredible, and achingly beautiful guitar solo by Andy Latimer, from Camel "I Can See Your House From Here".

Also Camel "A Nod and a Wink" especially the last track ("For Today"
Bach Johannes Passion, No. 7. Von dem Stricken meiner Sünden, and No. 9. Ich folge dir gleichfalls', Mahler, Sympony no. 2. IV. Urlicht,