Are you happy with Windows 10 Pro?

I'm running Windows 7 Pro without issue(s)--and don't want complications or frustrations. A bit slower-but steady- is fine for me. Are there real improvements to be gained? Thanks. Pete
It would all depend on some of the programs you are using on your W7 right now.
I have a desktop with W7 that I use older versions of Photoshop on and refuse to upgrade to W10 because I'm not sure if the older programs will still work.
I have a laptop I use strictly as a music server for my CA, and I can assure you that W10 is much better for audio than W8.1.
If you plan on using it for a music server, make sure the programs you use now will work on W10. I use JRivers 20, and it works fine.
"I have a laptop I use strictly as a music server for my CA, and I can assure you that W10 is much better for audio than W8.1."

What's different about it?

Also, I noticed that a lot of people like Windows Server 2012 for music. Have you ever tried it?
All my home laptops and 1 desktop were upgraded to Windows 10 and I loaded some older software like the proprietary Nikon Capture NX2 on it. It is working fine without issues. I really like the speed of this OS compared to the previous versions. As of now - no complaints.