This question needs to be focused a bit better.
Best panel - Magnepan 20.1
Best 2 way monitor - kharma 3.2FE
Best Full Range Dynamic-Magico Q7, Wilson Alexia properly amplified.
Best HORN - JBL 15" with midrange Lens and Dukane ionovac plasma horn tweeter. (Best tweeter)Very believable and startling dynamics. Beyond subwoofer bass.
Best Omni Directional - Numerous MBL speakers
Best Electrostatic-Quad, Sound Lab depending on room
Best open Baffle - Audio Artistry Beethoven, External Xover Legacy Whisper,
Best Powered Speaker - Vaughn Loudspeakers Triode with restored Plasma Horn tweeters by Dukane. Stunning and giant killers..
honorable mention Dunlavy SCV,